Honestly, your scenario is VERY similar to my husband and I. He drives 30 miles one way to work, I drive 6.
We're planning on buying a new car this summer/fall, so we've been discussing it alot.
First, the amount of mileage you put on a new car does effect the value. Sounds like you guys keep your cars for a long time, so you want to think about this.
My hubby knows that and wants to buy a nice car and keep the mileage low. However with his long commute and his current car (a neon) the seats suck and he's not so comfy. He'll probably drive the car to work on tues/thurs, and I'll drive it m/w/f.
When you're married, you tend to both contribute, and regardless of who makes more, you should both benefit equally. Do you really think its fair that he drives a sucktastic car and you get a nicer, newer one? It seems its only becuase of his change of tune that you care-- you thought you'd get to be the only one using it. He probably didnt talk about new cars much becuase he knew it was a financial stretch. Now that its a reality, he wants in on the action.
A happy marriage means compromise. You should each make a list of cars you like and then go to lots and drive them and see the prices. You might be suprised that one appeals to both of you. I'd been stuck on the Jeep Compass or Dodge Caliber, and my hubby wanted a Mustang or a Subaru STI. We checked out tons of cars, and both of us ended up liking the Mazda CX7 and the Ford Edge-- neither of which we'd been considering before that!
Since he wants a car and you want an SUV, why not consider a CUV (Crossover utility) which is meant to appeal to both buyers? Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Ford, etc all have CUVs.
Anyway, you should let him drive it atleast once or twice a week-- he works for his money too-- and have some input on the car you choose.