I don't think the two previous posters gave you the answer you were looking for. I sold cars for 5 years and averaged about 18 - 20 per month. Here are some tips:
1. Find out what the customers hot button is, i.e. safety, reliability, performance, ect. Then when giving the walk around hit on the points that they just told you was important. Only throw in a couple of the other items. A good walk around should only take 5 - 7 minutes.
2. Make sure the customer drives the car and while they're driving ask them questions that will make them say the word yes...but make sure it's a question that will make them say yes. i.e. if safety was a concern for them and the car has 6 airbags, ask "So this car should be plenty safe for your family, don't you think?" Or if it was performance....they will usually get on the gas when pulling out of the lot....say "Wow, this car really has some power, wouldn't you agree?" By getting them to say yes or agree with you, they are already starting to commit themselve to the purchase.
3. Have their car appraised while your test driving the "new" car. This will save precious time when you get back to work out the deal.
4. When you get back, if the "new" car is definately a nicer car then the one they are currently driving, have them park the car right next to their old car if possible. As they get out of the new car they will mentally compare the cars and realize the new car is much better.
5. Write up every customer. Even if they say they're not buying today.....you say, no problem, we'll get your car appraised and get you some numbers on the new car so you can make an informed decision. Make sure you get a cell phone number and home number and follow up with them within 2 hours of them leaving.
6. Prospect....when delivering the car, always ask them "so who in your family or which one of your friends is in most need of a new car?"
7. Follow up with every customer, the day after they pick up the car.
....those are just a few...feel free to email me with any questions....i love selling cars! I just hated the hours. Now I sell lumber! Could I interest you in some wood?