2014-03-15 09:09:07 UTC
1) Where should I buy my car? At an auction, dealer, or private?
2) I like any car that is a Honda, Acura, Nissan, BMW, or Volkswagen. What are the ups and downs about each of these cars?
3) Lets say I go to the auction with $5,000, what is my range of options in what car I will be buying?
4) How much cheaper are cars at the auction than anywhere else?
5) What type of car could I get with $8,000?
6) Should I finance a car?
7) How does the auction work? Is it on thursday or friday? Am I allowed to enter the auction with someone that is licenced? (New Jersey)
8) Is it smart to buy from a car auction?
Please help me by answering these questions. Thank you.