is 50k too expensive for my first car?
2015-10-08 10:29:07 UTC
I'm 18, I'm not a new driver, I've been driving my dads old car for the past 3 years. I have roughly $50,000 which is all the money I have and I'm trying to spend it on my dream car. I still can't afford the car but $50,000 will be enough to payoff most of the car and finance the rest. The problem is that my parents will think I'm stupid and they will be extremely disappointed in me if I buy this car. I still live with my parents but I would buy this car in a heartbeat and would have no regrets if my parents would be ok with it. Any tips on what I should do? thanks
118 answers:
2015-10-08 16:21:11 UTC
No it is highly stupid of you to do this. Like many said, focusing on your education right now would be most important, that or finding a good full time job some where and then from there, work full time, save up even more and then move out of your parents house in a year or two with over $100k.

You could also take a portion of the money and buy a nice car. It may not be your dream car, but some go their whole lives without their dream car, job, house, etc.

Assuming the car you want is a sports car as its more than $50k (could be a truck, but you did say car). You could buy a fairly fast, good looking car for under $20k.

A friend of mine bought a '13 Cruze turbo that is moderately fast and is fairly good looking. Basically new at only 36k KM. Cost him with taxes and a very high interest rate, $21k.

Or even an 04 Grand Prix GT (which another friend owns). It is faster than the Cruze and is pretty darn good looking. Only cost him $2700.

And at your age, no dealership/bank is going to be able to finance a vehicle for you, whether it be $15k or $100,000. The only way you are getting your dream car is either, a) your parents financing it for you, (which they won't considering what you said), b) saving enough for it, or praying to god they will drop the price to $50k, or c) buying it straight out from a private dealer for less than retail price.
2015-10-14 06:59:36 UTC
Money being no object it would not matter how much the first car is. If you can afford an expensive car you can afford collision insurance so what is the issue?

But like everyone else, I think you are a plain fou to sink all that money into a car. It shows poverty of imagination. You could do so many great things with 35 of those ks. You could travel. You could spend some on wine, women & song. In many places you could even buy a house outright. But just the car is fancy? That is a dead end. Nobody will care and it will just be to get from point A to point B.

The only way I would buy it is if I knew I could resell it at a high price. If this were a classic car rather than a newbie, it would at least hold its value. Although for that you need to be a car expert.....
2015-10-13 22:21:52 UTC
Money being no object it would not matter how much the first car is. If you can afford an expensive car you can afford collision insurance so what is the issue?

But like everyone else, I think you are a plain fou to sink all that money into a car. It shows poverty of imagination. You could do so many great things with 35 of those ks. You could travel. You could spend some on wine, women & song. In many places you could even buy a house outright. But just the car is fancy? That is a dead end. Nobody will care and it will just be to get from point A to point B.

The only way I would buy it is if I knew I could resell it at a high price. If this were a classic car rather than a newbie, it would at least hold its value. Although for that you need to be a car expert.
Smokies Hiker
2015-10-10 17:16:46 UTC
Yes, I'd say 50K or more for your first car is way too much. First of all the financing and the full coverage insurance on that vehicle at your age will be tremendous! Add to that the myriad of other expenses of that type of vehicle, and those who would be jealous of it and may intentionally damage it, and you'll probably be sorry you ever bought it. The worst part of the whole scenario is the fact that the car will be depreciating the entire time you own it. Get someone to help you invest at least 60% to 70% of that 50K, and use the rest to buy a sensible vehicle that's good basic transportation. You'll be much happier and I'm sure your parents will be happier also!
2015-10-10 09:02:19 UTC
Buy a nice 10-15k car. Put the rest in a mutual fund or other investment where it will gain interest.

Then when you are older you could put a huge down payment on a house. I know you are young ( I am too, I'm 21) and do not think about that sometimes, but do not blow it all on a car just because you will look cool or whatever. On top of the dealers or any banks not financing any amount to you right now (unless you have credit history), the tax on a 50,000 car is probably a lot. and think of insurance and don't forget repairs and maintenance.

The point is... it is never a good idea to invest 100% of your savings into something that will depreciate the moment you drive away with it and exponentially as time goes on. Think about it.
2015-10-10 04:51:44 UTC
Like an earlier comment said = 50k is an awful lot to spend on your first car. I m assuming you want a sports car. there are a vast number of options out there for far cheaper. Mazda s, nissan 370z s, Hyundai tuscanis, chargers, challengers, camaros, mustangs. The list goes on and on. Be smart with your money, you re not at that point in your life where you can afford a 50k sports car. Your insurance rates will be obscene, plus the maintenance on a car of that value will not be cheap. Use your head. You should work full time and gain money and then use it to buy something lasting like a house not a car which u may damage
The Devil
2015-10-09 18:39:40 UTC
I wouldn't spend that much, even back when I was 18 (That would get you a Rolls then). For half your money you can get a very nice car that will last you 10-20 years if you keep up the regular maintenance. I never had to put my '98 Corolla in the shop, except for body repair when it got hit by a Modesto chick who couldn't see out the black tint on her windows and she drove into me on the freeway. Go test drive a few cars; Hondas, Toyotas, or even a nice Yamaha motorcycle and get the one that gives you your money's worth. When I was 18 I could have bought a house and a couple of cars for $50k. Maybe $50k today is just chicken scratch. I feel for you. Even if you're rich, money just doesn't get you much these days. Talk to a banker about investing. I turned $35k into $200k following good advice of a banker.
Dakota Thresher
2015-10-09 04:33:20 UTC
50k is an awful lot to spend on your first car. I'm assuming you want a sports car. there are a vast number of options out there for far cheaper. Mazda's, nissan 370z's, Hyundai tuscanis, chargers, challengers, camaros, mustangs. The list goes on and on. Be smart with your money, you're not at that point in your life where you can afford a 50k sports car. Your insurance rates will be obscene, plus the maintenance on a car of that value will not be cheap. Use your head.
2015-10-11 21:14:26 UTC
Your thinking is way off as far as what the call of demand is . What your demand and desire is out of balance. $50,000. Autos is for people that have a Steady none stop income and those that are planning on the Costly Auto to be there last auto before Stopping driving and or Living. Spending Half that much might be a better way to visualize Your self in the Auto you like so much. And Know this the Re sale value of the High cost Auto is going to loose 1/3 to 1/2 the over all price you pay for your High Priced Auto in as little as 4 years. The Insurance is going to be around $3000. Yearly or More if its a Sports car less maybe $2700. a year if its a New truck And its required.
2015-10-13 03:03:33 UTC
Got it,you want to say you are rich .Fact is that car is not investment in general a property that can be relocated or can be stolen is not count as investment .It's a good that it worth a value depend of what is good for .Having a new car it's better than having a used or none .You talking about cash buying ,which there's no such thing and you need go trough to the finance except you pay cash to a person that already is finance the car and want to sale it to you in cash deal ,this type of deal are scam and you will be loose good amount the money for some thing that you can purchase it with 5000 down payment .Now if you want to buy muscles car (dream car ) that is some thing else and you know your best how to spend your money and no one can tell you do not do some thing that is your dream.
2015-10-10 16:24:50 UTC
Get something for around two grand. Something SAFE AND RELIABLE!. LIke a minivan,SUV or sedan ie Buicks and Ford Crown VIcs. The reason being you have very high odds of getting in a wreck. Those vehicles hold up in a wreck. Save the rest of the money for college or a rainy day. The odds are a 50k car will be wrapped around a tree or killing an inoccent bystander.You parents are right. BTW no car payments no headache.
2015-10-09 08:42:06 UTC
I'd say if you have done your education, and don't need to pay any money towards that, then go for it. But if you still need to complete your education, and maybe owe people money then a 50k car isn't right for you right now. But you could try a bit of both, the money you have now use it woards your car and then every pay day put half towards a new car and half towards education, debts etc.

I'd also say a nice expensive car for your first, shows you either worked hard for it, or your parents bought it for you.
2015-10-08 10:33:30 UTC
At 18 you should be planning for your future, and your parents would be correct in that blowing all of your money on a car is stupid. Especially when you should be looking at colleges. Also note that your "dream car" will probably cost a fortune to insure at your age, and if it's something that expensive it will probably also cost a lot to maintain.

What you should do is focus on getting ready for your career - go to college or whatever, and in a few years when you have a good job you can then revisit this dream car idea.
2015-10-08 16:58:01 UTC
Never borrow money to buy a depreciating asset. That's what a car is, especially a new one. The day you pick it up it drops by nearly a third of its value. Odds are pretty good that at your age you will have an accident & write it off. (Not kidding) If you've bought it by borrowing money you are now in the situation of still paying for something you no longer have.

Buy a cheap reliable vehicle 6 -10 year old Jap with service history & invest the rest in education or to go eventually in buying a house.
2015-10-08 11:45:36 UTC
You are stupid and an idiot to think of this. What is your justification in owning a "50K car?" So you can be 'ballin?' Get your priorities straight, and use that money for an education, which I am sure that is what has been earmarked for. Buy a $1000 beater, and deal with it!!
2015-10-09 07:21:28 UTC
From experience I would recommend getting into something practical because you never know what can happen. You could get the car of your dreams and someone hit you and it be a total loss, invest in yourself your education, perhaps some property or investments retirement is a good one because it is never too early to start saving for your future. Please Please do not get into something that is absorbent, if you have 50k and it still isn't enough then that tells you something do not spend beyond your means, build your credit up and go from there. Good Luck
2015-10-09 12:44:02 UTC
I had a Shipmate (Navy) who received 20K as a re-enlistment bonus. He put it down on his

"Dream Corvette". 2 weeks later his Insurer cancelled coverage due to his age (22). The extended

30 days for him to find other insurance. TWO DAYS later A City Sanitation (Garbage) truck rolled

over the 'Vette' rear bumper to front bumper -- DEMOLISHED IT! -- 4:30 or 5 AM; my friend was

in bed ASLEEP! Insurance paid for it; he GOT smart and bought a less expensive car; with no

problem Insuring it!

, , ,

REALLY, 50K is TOO EXPENSIVE for ANY car! (Even High Price "Dream Cars"). IT IS only

2015-10-10 09:05:31 UTC
Im 20 and Im going to say you can get a nice car that's less expensive. Save your money man its the smart thing to do. I didn't have anything close to 50 k when i was 18 and I still don't now. but if I did i wouldn't blow it all on a car. One crash and that cars history. Get something nice but affordable. There are plenty of cars with a lot of power and style in the below $30,000 range. Save your money, its not the sexiest thing to do with your money but its the smartest. JUst because you can afford it doesn't mean you should buy it.
2015-10-09 22:38:34 UTC
You can't buy the car now! Once all of the money you are spending gets in order, then you can think about buying it. But right now would be a bad time to buy a 50k car.
Can't say mate
2015-10-08 10:50:00 UTC
At your age I think it would be best to save as much money as possible for your education/life. The question is really do you want to spend 50k, when you could buy a just as fuel efficient car for 30k? Do you want to economical? What could you do more efficiently with that extra 20 k? Balance these out and you will have your answer.

I hope this helps :)
For Real
2015-10-08 12:57:36 UTC
I cant think of anybody who spent 50k on thier first car. Typically I think its around 5k. But if i understand your question correctly, the actual cost is more than 50k. Now you've got money but if you spent "all the money you have" on this car then you would be in debt and broke. Is that ok w/U
2015-10-11 03:42:38 UTC
Absolutely!!!! Buy a newer model Lexus, (or whatever type car you like) that's certified pre-owned. Invest the rest that you'd have pissed away. Seriously, when I was 18 I would have done the same thing. I'm 33, I'm an investment Consultant, this is what I do with cars and the money saved from not going crazy. Lexus just happens to be my brand of choice.
2015-10-08 21:02:38 UTC
Go for it, why not? Its your money right? If your parents are letting you stay with them, why rush out? Many people who are 18 yrs old dont even have that much money I would think of it as a bonus allowance you earned. Maybe you are just starting out in college or maybe looking to get a full time job? Idk but you would still be on par with many ppl your age even if you dont have 50k in your pocket. If its something you really want, buy it and dont live a life of regret. BTW can you tell me what car you're trying to buy?
2015-10-11 06:11:11 UTC
Buy a cheap car to use for the first three years of being insured.

Very expensive insurance, “assigned risk”, is normal for any driver without 3 years of insurance history. It’s three times as expensive as normal.

3 years of being on an auto policy, (no big accident) helps a lot.

You get out of the “Assigned Risk” category.

Then over 25 years old, rates drop down to normal.

Being on your parents insurance as an occasional driver for 3 years creates insurance history. (That would be true even if you seldom drove your parent’s car).

For a car in your own name:

Having a cheap, replaceable car for the first 3 years, would make it unnecessary to pay for collision insurance, on top of the state mandatory liability insurance.

Like a $3000 car plus if needed, new tires and brakes, battery tune up...

With no collision insurance, if you crash, you must fix it or replace it yourself, unless you get hit in the rear, for example, then the other driver’s insurance must fix your car.

3 years of no collision insurance can save about $3000. Check the rates.

Any car bought with a loan requires this expensive collision insurance to protect the bank's investment.

And ANY expensive car should have collision coverage. Then no matter how it gets damaged the insurance company has to fix it or replace it.

(Being the owner of the vehicle protects your parents in the case of a law suit.

If your parents own your car, people can sue your parents after a crash.)
2015-10-08 15:04:59 UTC
50K of course is expensive, just buy a under $30K car like Honda Accord and Toyota Camry, money important is life and education, what a stupidest person ever I ask people that question, dream car is usually a concept car
2015-10-12 07:50:55 UTC
You can get a very nice new car for $20K or less but I know how you feel in wanting a dream car! And I'm sure others will disagree with me but I'd say put this money and buy a tiny house to live in or buy a similar car or keep saving up or just go on a shopping spree but just don't be impulsive and blow it on someone useless, you may regret it!
2015-10-11 06:27:54 UTC
Aspects utilize these kinds of terms to be able to reference diverse functions, even though at times you obtain these equally completed simultaneously.

Alignments simply realign the particular auto tires thus all of them are directing inside the appropriate course although traveling later on. In case a car’s auto tires will need positioning, it could take a proven way or perhaps one other as opposed to right once you release the particular tyre, or perhaps the particular auto tires may well use unevenly (further internally compared to the exterior or perhaps vice versa).

In case a car's auto tires will need controlling, alternatively, it could wring with highway velocity, or perhaps the particular auto tires may well use in the cupped or perhaps scallopped routine. Controlling any exhaust signifies making certain the particular fat with the tire-and-wheel product will be well-balanced throughout the axle, together with each part possessing the same fat. Step one inside controlling any exhaust is always to match up the particular heaviest area of the casing (typically the particular device come) for the lightest area of the casing (any yellowish department of transportation decorated from the maker around the tire's sidewall). Then a technician areas the particular exhaust and also casing over a equilibrium equipment, which usually opportunities plastic-type or perhaps metallic weight load since necessary around the outside area of the casing to be able to fine-tune the balance.

Controlling will be one thing you could carry out consistently once you move the particular auto tires, each half a year or perhaps 6000 to be able to 7500 a long way. At times exhaust retailers will offer you life span exhaust controlling and also turn. My partner and i suggest this kind of program. Examining the particular auto tires consistently to find out should they are usually sporting unusually is likely to make these go longer and also run you a smaller amount in the end.

Positioning will be one thing you could carry out consistently each 12 months. It will not quit any tyre vibration, yet it really is excellent protective servicing, particularly when an individual push usually about potholed, broke, or perhaps soil streets.
2015-10-11 23:26:39 UTC
Yes it is Too Much expensive for First Car.
David GH UK
2015-10-16 06:26:14 UTC
If depends on your personal wealth and how much you desire this 50K car,or Auro as the Americans would say.

Its far far too expensive for me,it may not be for you ?
Chester Le Street
2015-10-09 10:56:47 UTC
Yes. Buy a used car for around $12-15K if you want it to be reliable. Nothing else matters. If it's all about your image then wasting $50k tells me more about you than you can imagine...
2015-10-09 08:41:23 UTC
Yes. You can buy a new car for sure but spend like 20 thousand dollars. You could save your money, buy your own house, pay for an education. You can do a whole lot other than blow it on a car. I'm 21 struggling to pay for my car, education, and apartment. I would kill to have that kind of money saved. I literally have 5 cents!
2015-10-09 08:22:53 UTC
yup that is stupid, listen to your parents

1) if you have 50,000 to blow start paying your parents room and board these things are not free,

2) you should put some in the bank to save for a rainny day (they will come it is called life)

3) how much will it cost for insurance ?

4) does it only take premium gas ?

5) expensive cars are expensive to fix, where will that money come from?

have all the answers, you need to do some research before making that mistake?
2015-10-15 10:31:30 UTC
Pretty much everyone I know regrets their first car purchase. Until you've owned a car, you really don't know what you want and need out of a car. Drop a few grand on an old Focus or Accord, drive it for a year, then go out and and start looking for the car you really want.
2015-10-11 11:43:10 UTC
dude you're only 18, get a car thats less than 20k if you think about it, you buy a $50k car, not only that you need insurance which isn't cheap as well, and if you get into an accident, there goes your car, if a minor accident, prob almost 1000 dollars of repairing
2015-10-10 14:53:38 UTC
If i were you i wouldnt spend 50k on a car unless you are really wealthy if i were u should spend some money on a good fuel efficent car and save the rest for college.
Ian K
2015-10-08 19:05:17 UTC
You could invest that money now and be actually rich in a few years if you did some research.

Or, go for the most expensive car you can afford and in 5 years sell it for a couple grand...
2015-10-11 08:20:23 UTC
Its far too expensive, buy a nice cheap car and then to drive safely first before buying a expensive car
2015-10-09 01:05:46 UTC
Yes, that is much too expensive. It is only a car, and the price doesn't change what the car does. You could easily buy a much cheaper car that would serve you just as well.
2015-10-08 10:39:03 UTC
Mine was $1150.

But yeah, I should have bought a $50,000 car. The only thing that stood in the way was $48,850 plus the cost of insurance which I wouldn't have been able to afford.
Sean Roberts
2015-10-09 09:33:05 UTC
Must be nice... My better judgement says "yes" that s a bit much for someone without a way to pay the insurance on said dream car. However, the gear-head in me screams classic camaro or corvette!! These cars are investments, and they go UP in value the older/scarcer they get... Food for thought
2015-10-09 13:36:43 UTC
Yes it is too expensive, and you can get at times old unwanted I think Mazda car models for just one euro the ads are to be found on Portuguese online ad sites under the section for cars
2015-10-11 02:53:15 UTC
If this is your dream & you have a solid plan A, B & C to pay the rest of your car off, GO FOR IT! A dream is a thought, turn it into a goal, aim for it & achieve it. If you don't do it, it's possible you'll never take the chance to make any of your dreams come true.
2015-10-08 12:01:21 UTC
Your parents aren't the only ones. I am 55 years old and make over 100k a year and have never bought a vehicle over $26k. No 18 year old needs a $50,000 car.
2015-10-10 03:27:31 UTC
Maybe yes, maybe no. That depends entirely on you and on your unique circumstances.

Despite its widespread misuse, There is no monetary amount of "50k" "k" is an abbreviation for several things, the most common being kilogram. If you insist on using a symbol for 1,000 use "m".

"In the SI (metric) system, lowercase k is a prefix indicating "times 1000"; e.g. kg (kilograms) or km (kilometers).

In finance, uppercase K it's often used as a suffix indicating "times 1000"; e,g, $258K. It's also sometimes seen as a prefix; e.g. K$. Traditionally, M (for Mille, the French word for thousand) is used to indicates thousands, but K is becoming more and more common since the advent of computers.

In computing however, K usually means "times 1024", because most things to do with computer hardware are in multiples of 2. For example, 1 Kb of memory is actually 1,024 bytes. Occasionally, it may mean "times 1000" depending on the context.

In all cases, the K stands for "kilo", derived from French via the Greek khilioi meaning thousand.
2015-10-13 17:37:52 UTC
your insurance due to age and credit that even if good is not old enough to help much. The only reason for buying a 50,000 car at 18 is to show off. IF you need to do this it will get you no where but in debt.
2015-10-11 19:49:20 UTC
In my opinion it seems like a horrible idea that will have no benefits whatsoever. I would invest it instead and save your money. Trust me you will regret buying it later on. You also have to take into consideration that you still have to pay for insurance and gas. I would go for a car around $500, but thats just me.
2015-10-12 20:37:00 UTC
My first car that I still have was about $38,000. It's a 2013 Mini Cooper S Coupe.
2015-10-13 18:31:31 UTC
You'll crash it your 18 and dumb, no offence. Get a beater and have fun, then in ,3,4, or 5 years get your dream car. Save all the money for it. Never take out a loan on a car
2015-10-11 21:42:44 UTC
Buy a car thats decent n not very expensive
trurider t
2015-10-12 09:54:31 UTC
Yes, of Course. Alternatively, go to Vegas and place the lot on a number on the blackjack table. It might last a bit longer than you buying a car with it.
2015-10-10 06:38:03 UTC
if you saying $50,000 USD, then to me personally, that is way too expensive for a first car, you are better off starting with a used vehicle(car, truck, jeep, van,etc.,etc.,etc.,) because I started off with a used vehicle but it still needs some restoring work. but if you do decide to buy a used car make sure the air conditioner and heater works first.
2015-10-09 20:08:32 UTC
Are you freaking idiot? $50k to blowout all your money wow, are you kidding me that you're rich? there is no one that has money that much?!?! Save money!!!!!!! For your life and education!!!!!! If you want dream cars get Lamborghini and Ferrari, i dont think so if you can afford these,
2015-10-11 14:57:20 UTC
Annoys me so much when people expect brilliant cars for their first car, there are so many cheaper and older cars that are just as practical and as fun to drive around as new cars
2015-10-10 16:59:40 UTC
if you can pay it off in two years, but i would stear away from a 50k first car, due to the fact you will need the money to subtain the car;insurance, gas,etc.
2015-10-13 14:10:45 UTC
Hmm maybe consider an BMw E92 M3? 400 bhp and 35k easily but still it is a little too much
2015-10-09 14:03:59 UTC
That would be fiscally irresponsible of you to spend that much on your 1st auto. Smarter yet would be spending no more than 10-12k and spending less on insurance for several years until you have more driving experience. Save 25k of that money for your 1st home purchase and or retirement.
2015-10-08 17:05:33 UTC
2015-10-11 16:51:23 UTC
No, youre a cheap man if you only spend measly 50k on it LOL
Skoda John
2015-10-08 11:36:41 UTC
The statistics say you will crash it in the first year. I paid $100 equivalent for my first car and kept it 35 years.

Buy a cheap car and use your money for your future.
Lance the cuckslayer
2015-10-08 10:33:58 UTC
holy ****? how rich are you? no, what you need to do is give that money to charity. There's people that need it much more than you do, people that can't even afford a meal to fill their starving stomachs much less buy an expensive car.
2015-10-09 20:47:31 UTC
Heck yeah! Use that money to travel and see the world, go to college, don't spend it on a freaking car cmon now
2015-10-12 18:25:41 UTC
That's just about the worst investment you can ever make. Cars depreciate. In 3 years the very same car will be worth about $20,000... Then your money is gone just like that ....gone
2015-10-09 15:49:12 UTC
Not to worry for you cannot get financing and you cannot get insurance for this "dream" car you have failed to identified. As to an 18 year old having $50,000 in the bank, sorry but I find this rather not quite believable.
2015-10-08 10:32:55 UTC
It's a stupid idea. $50,000 cars come with $50,000 car running costs.

If you spent that much on a car under my roof, you'd have to live in it.
2015-10-08 16:01:57 UTC
2015-10-11 12:29:55 UTC
Very much so. I'd just find a used car like a Nissan Altima.
2015-10-12 16:32:26 UTC
No it isn't too expensive. If its your dream to own it and you saved the money than why not buy it? Don't let anyone get in the way of your goals and dreams.
2015-10-10 11:19:39 UTC
Driving for three years is not that long. Your first car should be a cheap one because you will probably end up wrecking it.
2015-10-12 11:13:09 UTC
Are you Insane, It´s too expensive. Josue Benavides
2015-10-08 14:52:39 UTC
$50.000 are you really sure kiddo? your question is very stupid, there is no one has that money that much, just buy a ten thousand car like Nissan Versa, Mitsubishi Mirage, Chevy spark, Honda Fit and Ford Fiesta
2015-10-11 21:58:01 UTC
Don;'t spend all yr money on yr first car. You'll need money for fuel and any repairs, which all mount up.
2015-10-10 08:21:56 UTC
No, you should borrow even more money and buy an even more expensive car.
2015-10-10 14:21:06 UTC
Buying a $50,000 car to blowout all yo money wow, are you freaking idiot? Is important to save money for life and education!!!!!, no good man no good,
Back W
2015-10-09 08:53:49 UTC
you can't afford to drive a car like that... you'll end up wrecking it or not being able to afford it and it will be repossessed by Lizard lick towing
2015-10-09 12:39:46 UTC
If it makes you happy and you can afford it, no. Cars DO lose value right away, though, so something to consider.
2015-10-13 08:05:36 UTC
Yea that is a lot of money to spend on your first car, but it is your money so if you want it get it.
2015-10-12 09:16:10 UTC
2015-10-10 15:26:32 UTC
2015-10-14 11:24:26 UTC
10k ur should be ur limet ur likly to have a few dings when u ferst start do u really want a dent in a 50k ar I DONT THINK U DO REALLY SIR
2015-10-09 05:56:22 UTC
I think that too much. buy a cheaper car that works well enough and save.
2015-10-10 07:44:24 UTC
nah not good to spend much money, i noe it is ur dream but wait for an opportune moment or take a loan or something
Tk Majed
2015-10-10 06:53:48 UTC
you can buy a good car for 25-30 k. save the rest
2015-10-13 02:03:12 UTC
It depends if your buying a car off me or not.
Hin Long
2015-10-09 20:06:00 UTC
If it's new, then no
2015-10-10 15:39:02 UTC
i agree with the guy above - get your priorities straight. if 50 g's is not much to you then do it but if it's your life saving spend it on college. don't be stupid.
2015-10-12 17:14:56 UTC
yes it is but honestly get a car you'll love and keep almost forever!
2015-10-12 15:39:30 UTC
Too cheap man
2015-10-12 02:36:36 UTC
Very. I can tell you something, my car was WAY cheaper! Although, that was the 80s!
2015-10-11 13:13:45 UTC
I this this is over the top unless you are extreme well of mine was from £1 - 15k
2015-10-09 20:41:31 UTC
Yes, it is just a car anyway.
2015-10-12 10:39:24 UTC
Get a NaNo TaTa from India !!!
2015-10-09 06:02:21 UTC
Your humble bragging what a d bag
2015-10-10 03:54:27 UTC
Depends of your budget
2015-10-10 11:07:47 UTC
yes, lol i woulldnt go for anything above 25k, hell thats expensive too.
2015-10-10 19:43:20 UTC
What you should do is focus on getting ready for your career
2015-10-12 11:02:36 UTC
Get something around
2015-10-12 20:48:02 UTC
2015-10-12 13:27:31 UTC
boy boy
2015-10-08 13:50:19 UTC
your parents would be right are stupid ...and selfish ...but most 18 year olds are ...any guy who would cause distress to their parents ..and still live with them ...aint much of a man ....
2015-10-10 04:54:19 UTC
ha ha ha its nothing just try it for the next 100k for your first car
Allan H
2015-10-10 13:58:15 UTC
2015-10-12 18:29:51 UTC
2015-10-10 16:27:13 UTC
Hell yeah. Unless u a celebrity lol
2015-10-08 19:01:36 UTC
You going to live with your parents forever ????
2015-10-09 16:18:15 UTC
Too much.
2015-10-09 20:06:43 UTC
boy that's to much, sit your *** down
2015-10-13 03:21:35 UTC
Dont be a stupid big head rich kid.
2015-10-12 21:08:54 UTC
Wise Idiot
2015-10-12 14:16:26 UTC
It depends what your priorities are.
2015-10-09 09:35:17 UTC
hell yeah. i think you mean 5k. otherwise u smoking something lol
2015-10-09 14:13:39 UTC
2015-10-13 00:52:38 UTC
NO Its Ok.
2015-10-12 02:20:47 UTC
no its not
2015-10-09 17:15:56 UTC
2015-10-12 02:18:16 UTC
2015-10-10 11:33:25 UTC
that is ****** stupid and you will have many regrets when you are older. please dont be this ******* stupid
2015-10-11 06:08:02 UTC
2015-10-11 13:18:49 UTC
damn yes

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.