transferring rego from nsw to qld?
2008-07-31 02:55:08 UTC
i recently just brought a car from nsw, the seller said that he had a road worthy certificate in hes advertisement, with 6 months rego.
after driving the vehicle back to qld i realised i did not recieve the rwc from the seller and phoned and asked him to send me hes copy, he replied that he didnt have 1. i know that when transferring rego in qld u need a rwc again anyway, but i brought a car that i thought was suppose to be road worthy as he had stated in hes advertisement, hence RWC but later have found out its not. do they have to pay to get the car up to road worthy standard? and do u legally have to supply a rwc when selling a used registered vehicle in nsw to a buyer in qld?
Six answers:
2008-07-31 03:11:04 UTC
No it is not illegal to sell a car with a RWC, when your buying private your buying 'as is', you have no guarantees.

Is the car still registered in NSW? If so, i think you have about 14 days to have the car re registered in QLD to QLD standards and in your name. If the rego has been pulled off the car you need to have it inspected for rego ASAP.

Im sure that a NSW RWC is irrelivant in QLD, so its really only to let you know the car is sound.

I live in NSW, and recently bought a car from QLD, unregistered. I needed a permit from QLD to drive the car out of the state and a 2 day third party insurance from QLD. I had the car registered to NSW standards the next day, which required a full inspection to be able to be NSW registered.

Now the car is in QLD, it needs to be fully registered in QLD from scratch, anything to do with NSW is now irrelivant. I dont know the proper terms for QLD as I only know NSW rego laws.

I hope that made sense!


Here is a part of the Queensland Transport website on Vehicle Registration, might be more help than Ive been!


Like I said before, when buying a car privately you are buying the car 'as is', there is no warranty with the vehicle, so to answer your question, no the seller doesnt have to supply a RWC nor does he have to fix the car, you should have asked to see the RWC before handing over any cash or had a mechanic inspect the car before buying it. Unfair I know, but once you hand over money for the car, its your problem, even if the ad says something different. I learn this the hard way.

No you dont need a RWC to sell a car in NSW, but its going to help sell it if the new buyer can see its been mechanicly inspected and passed. NSW have much more thorough vehicle inspections then QLD.

Once the car is sold in NSW, you should have filled out the back of the vehicles rego papers before you handed over money. You took half, the seller took half of the rego paper. Both the buyer and the seller take their pieces to the NSW RTA. The seller gives his notice of disposal, the buyer his notice of new ownership of the car. Then the car is transferred into your name and out of the sellers name and full responsibility, giving you 14 days to have the car registered into your name, in your case, into QLD.
2016-10-04 13:14:58 UTC
Car Rego Qld
2016-03-18 12:56:24 UTC
Technically when you have a permanent address in a new state you are obligated by law to change your rego and license over to the new state. If you are a backpacker you can probably get away with it. If you get pulled over by the cops just tell them you are travelling around but honestly you are not going to get into any trouble unless you break the law. Go to the RTA and tell them you want to change your postal address so you get the renewel notice in the mail. It is very important though you don't tell them you have permanently moved to QLD as they will still keep your residential address in NSW on file for registration purposes. Alternatively you may want to change over to QLD rego as if you are a backpacker and trying to sell your car in QLD it will have to be registered in that state. Is your car roadworthy? If it is it shouldn't be that much money to get it done if your driving around in a old bomb then you might have to just dump the car when you leave Australia.
2016-07-23 18:36:44 UTC
Get Your Vehicle History Reports!
2017-02-10 04:38:51 UTC
2016-06-25 03:42:30 UTC
Transferring Registration Qld

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.